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Wonder Girls

WONDER GIRLS - 2 Different Tears

Preço: R$55,00 (frete incluso)

01. 2 Different Tears
02. 2 Different Tears (English Ver.)
03. 2 Different Tears (Remix Ver.)
04. Tell me (English Ver.)
05. So Hot (English Ver.)
06. Nobody (English Ver.)

WG - Vol.1 The Wonder Years
Preço: R$ 68,00 (frete incluso)

01. I wanna
02. 이 바보
03. Tell me (Sampling from “Two Of Hearts”)
04. Friend
05. Headache
06. 뭐 어때(Feat. David Kim)
07. Wishing on a star
08. Move(Feat. 이민우 for MRISING Entertainment)
09. 가져가
10. Good bye
11. Bad boy
12. 미안한 마음
13. Irony

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